Friday, October 23, 2009

Life In a Cubicle

A phone to look at, a computer to stare at and a desk with drawers to stuff up , How can I miss the most comfortable seat. This is the Alcatraz of thousands of employees like me. People never realize that they spend almost 3/4th of their lifetime here. It’s sober in color and has a soothing effect. It has only a single opening and you can’t jump over your desk. It is not in the least comparable to the college desks. Every now and then people walk around this and it’s the only source of outer world enjoyment you get, to see them move. Here are a series of policies (I call them policies not because the post is an acronym of LIC) which may appear as cliché but then what else? Truth by itself is cliché. These policies are actually myths that surround our office culture and as a newbie I find them more glaring. It’s in no way the usual bias with which people hate their office routines and crib about it. It’s just a subtle observation of things in and around me.

Policy Section 1.0
Reach office early:
Nobody has the habit of reaching office on time. It’s actually a myth for the rule makers as to set the official hours over a range. It’s not obviously possible for the entire strength of the company to punch their cards exactly on time. If that had been possible then obviously the forefathers of the company would have provided enough doors and enough access card points in the premises. They dint do it because some super intelligent Management guy showed them a graph of the peoples mentality of reaching the office and ended up with a peak hour analysis and brought down the maximum number of access points required. But everybody is serious about one point you are not to leave on time, it’s a crime. As a golden rule to impress the boss always leave just after him. It may work out for your early promotion (That’s another myth which shall be broken in the due course!).
So people end up reaching office either damn early (there are still a few over-enthusiastic!) or properly late. It takes time to bust this myth since it’s hard for people to accept reality.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Staring on the glaring walls of the bare-faced room, i get to see nothing more than struck up tombstones.. i had never bought anything in my life...myself. Every time i had needed something was bought by someone for me. I hardly bought bread or butter, sometimes even that was bought for me. this had been my biggest transition in my life , now that i start to buy everything i need; by myself. Its not that I'm trying to be all the very calculative and create a good saving out of my skilled budgeting, its just that i still have the feeling that somebody will still get me my things... I want to break this syndrome, rather i had even named it one. i call it the A-Shopaholic Syndrome...
I do go out to socialize,and on the process i do fall upon good shops to look for.. shops where in i can buy my needs..but then the moment i step near it, even before i glare at the price tag, i get to adhere to this feeling that, okay let me buy the next time i come here..
Let me define its symptoms in detail. You would start with a wish list. You will draw outlines and commit yourself that you totally need it.. in the next phase you just start on a spree to go out and have fun in any of the local malls. During this period you would unknowingly forget about the fact that you had stepped out of your house just to buy things from the list. But then its your subconscious that had worked out a plan behind your brain to make you go out.(naturally you wouldn't have seen it, since it was at your back..)
The moment you enter the mall you find a shop, you enter it without any knowledge. It would as if look like the shop had just attracted you, and it had been the shop's exquisite beauty that stung on you instantaneously.. You end going inside and in the end you even land on that one thing you had wanted.

This is where the syndrome starts, Its poisonous ingredients sniffs with the object on scrutiny and fumes its extra- sensory-deregulation perfume which on contact with you makes you lose interest on it. It breaks into your wish-list table and postpones the entry to future archives and makes you believe yet again that there had never in the world been a choice for it.

Indeed its a vicious conundrum,this disease is quite contagious, at least for you after reading about it, an awareness has been created.. beware.