Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A drive to remember forever!

A quiet drive over the I-278 E and through the Brooklyn-Queens expressway was all that was required. How could such a straight ride turn horrible? Well it was New York! What possibly made me decide to take the car drive is still a mystery, It was just my second visit to the city and I had no big reason to drive, off course there was a sweet damsel to be satisfied, but that was not reason enough, though in the end that was all that brought the courage in me to take the road. Even then it all started smooth, I drove right out of the parking garage and brought the small hatchback onto the glowing sun, which was just there doing nothings its known to do; no heat nor any brightness. It was just there confirming us what part of the day it was. A chill wind was blowing with all the merriness and there we were in the skinniest cloth possible. I did cuddle the beauty to avoid if not all, some of the bitter wind.
Even she was confident, with the phone of hers it should just be a simple drive. But then even before her GPS had locked on the route we were to take, my car came right in front of an unexpected front driver. Who was patiently waiting the lane I dint want to be and BANG! I scratched his trunk and took my car onto the left lane.  Obviously the lady in my car had already started munching words and had decided just to get down immediately. If only I had driven a bit more careful or had I been a regular driver in the NY roads that crash wouldn’t have affected me, but then I had neither of the experience and started shivering and praying to god, “It was just to your abode that we are trying to reach why don’t you let me do it?” I don’t know whether He heard my call or I got my senses back, I drove the rest of the way in a quiet uneventful manner. Not to forget the rash cuts we were to experience right after the under bridge and also a complete bumper-bumper drive all the way across the city.
All this time I dint even get the thought of seeing my companions face for I was sure she would be carrying her heart in her hand. If not for her composure, I was for sure heading towards another crash.
Temples are not just pillars that hold the almighty. For somebody who has completely shed his/her roots in her motherland, this was the only rock house of hope and last bit of any culture thats left of her. More that intentionally praying for ones personal wishes this visit was a much need opportunity to get to the basics of one’s own identity, I was happy I was able provide that. I found relief and clarity in that face and felt the divine joy of having brought that smile in her.
It gave me just the strength to get back alive, apart from other benefits that concurred subsequently. Almost always, I believed in Murphy. Of all the others his where the only law that never failed. True to its power, it so happened, my dear companion mentioned of that one last exit I was to not miss if at all I wanted to go to Brooklyn. It was not a big harm though if I missed it just htat it would cost me something more for missing the exit and travelling somewhere else. And as if the gods indeed heard her and wanted to check my wallets strength exactly after the last first exit I had to take, He made the next exit vanish and bring in just the exit I had to turn. It would have been a dreadful If I had made it for I was completely on the left lane and had to get to the right most in less than a 100 ft. I humbly accepted my defeat and glided over the Verrazano Bridge only to pay the extra toll and got back on time to return the car to the garage meekly praying for the owner of the car not to find the dent I had made on the front. Once we reached back the destination we just parked the car for a minute on a side lane just to savour the sensation that for once we are alive.
Shivering heavy, not because of the climate but to believe the unbelievable mystery of turning out alive, we entered our apartment. For all the good reasons we lay on the couch, trying to get back our sanity at the same time saying, “Once is enough!”   

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