Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Clan!

I had always weighed less. My first ten years was spent much with a doc's prescription. Had I been a bit healthy for a quite a stretch, I was sure to catch at least a cold and get bed ridden. I was given birth in neyveli and my skin color is attributed to the mine polluted water of this place. I always reasoned well. It was my natural flick. It was my father who got the maximum brunt of this talent. He could never win a battle of not taking me outside along with him. It's too much of self boasting, I guess! Never mind, one thing is for certain I used to speak proper Tamil even at the age of 6 and used to use those words which only elders used in the language. My school was the place where my dominance flagged high. Like a don with his capo régimes, I had my own gang. It included the brave studs of my class and a few female agents. I never used to carry my bag to my class, it was a ritual that somebody shall be there waiting in the gate to carry mine. I had my dealings in catching the see-saw, control on a few of the swings and my most coveted slide ( the biggest one in the school). People used to say when I was seen playing the slide none dared to compete my gang. I was their protection; in return they did me some favors. I never wrote my home work nor and assignment, there was always people to help me in that. It was like a mallya style for me every day I used to walk in with a band of girls chatting and giggling all the time. My first 5 years of schooling thus ended in building my empire one that I'm still proud of! It was in my 3rd grade that I started taking up cricket as my serious pastime. Apparently it became the only reason for me to go to school. I developed good friendships with a quite a few classmates and the girls started behaving odd. They started crowding among themselves and started behaving less manly. We were at our best, there were a few crushes going on in the class and in the meantime my friends and I took the initiative to build a Disneyland inside the class. For one complete month we stealthily amassed a huge collection of furniture. We designed a high class castle with a dangerous passage for it. Eventually we got caught when our ambitions surpassed the limits and we unknowingly picked up the teachers chair to be made the crown chair of the castle. When our class teacher found her chair missing she noticed the castle in the corner of the class and realized it was not a mere heap of unused furniture but a completely stealthily made architecture. She made us confess the truth and asked us to break it open. With a broken heart we the six men broke open the castle and restored back the crown chair for her majesty! It was indeed a mournful day. People from all over the school used to visit the castle during the break, everyone considered it a wonder but for now it's a broken monument. The matter finally ended up in front of the principal office we had to kneel down in the hot sun for an hour after which we were warned and sent home... after all a petty punishment for what we had achieved. The last two years of my primary schooling involved a series of drama. I joined the student cop thing what they call the prefects in some book. I started conducting the prayer in the school. Our most prestigious act which was carried by me and a friend of mine during these days was that on every Monday we used to hoist our national flag. It was my duty to fold the flag in the proper manner with flowers filled in it and pulled up properly. I used to consider this a honor and always made sure I did it on all Mondays. The count of my girl friends never got down my clan used to survive for ever. By that time we had become a legacy and it was a routine for us to exploit the grounds throughout. By the time we had our farewell, I could not believe that I'm going to miss the one place where I started my life. It was my pride forever. It was my clan! On the day of farewell, I had few of my dear and loyal friends come over to me personally to bid adios, I never could forget that. That was the last time I saw any of those females so simple and easy to approach and always my friend. I entered high school!

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