Thursday, April 2, 2009


I wish I don't do this. I actually hated this whole concept of blogging, but now I have reached a point where I'm writing my own blog. It all started with this community blog which my classmates along with me started and it was really fun making fun of the other fellow mates in the class. I sort of started liking it. The worst part is I have quite a lot of friends who reminded me every time to read their blog, but I kept refusing them. I hope I start reading them at least now.

This being my first post, I wanted it to be a bit formal and I seriously don't know what my first post should contain. But then I have decided on what shall the successive post shall be. To start with I shall write about my life. What all have I experience throughout my college life and so on.

So as an introduction to all these, I live in Chennai and I'm about to graduate as an engineer in the coming months. I read quite some books and spend most of the time browsing and roaming around with friends. I'm yet another teenager willing to spend some time blogging for I have got as of now some time to spare for it…..

I hope this shall interest a few people to continue reading my forth coming posts.

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